Hi. This site used to be my portfolio. That was a long time ago, now.

Now it is just a legacy directory of some stuff I made. Not all of it still exists.


This list is roughly ordered with newer things first.

A roguelike game written in javascript. Check out the Github repository for information on the game's development.

Listen Together
A syncronized music player that works somewhat like a radio station, everyone who joins and listens will hear the exact same audio at roughly the same time as each other. This player is especially unique because it works without an external media server, instead relying on precise timing to serve all audio via just your webserver. This example won't be playing anything unless I put up a playlist, ask me to play something on it if you're interested.

Agora (forum system)
My open source take on a lightweight forum system. Includes many of the functions you would expect from a forum system such as topic threading, user profiles and avatars, private messaging, and a comprehensive bbcode parser. This was originally based on the Boss Battles forum mentioned below.

A free file hosting website I run.

A polling system that utilizes Blockland authentication to thwart cheaters, made using PHP and MySQL.

A paid dedicated hosting service for Blockland I ran previously. I didn't end up making a noteworthy profit running this, but it was an incredible learning experience. Also, after being my own customer support team for two years I have some respect for people who do customer support for a living. The original domain blocknet.us has expired since it's been over a year since I shut down this service.

The predecesor to Agora, I built this forum for a game community I run so that it has the unique ability to show their in-game stats on their forum profiles. I have not updated it since I started work on Agora, so it's a more dated work of mine.

A simple PHP script that converts text and webpages into gibberish. Done as a very quick silly project when I had a day or two of free time.

Create download counters. Originally intended for add-ons, but you can use them for pretty much anything. This is a fairly old project.

Blockland Add-On Forums
Pecon7's Add-on archive, a list of all my major released Blockland add-ons.

Official website for the Boss Battles, a Blockland game server I run.

A server status script for Blockland servers that was originally written by Destiny, but I became the de-facto maintainer of it. You can view the source code for it on github here


Github Telegram Steam

If you would like to connect on LinkedIn or see my LinkedIn profile, message me and ask for it.

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